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I am going to start with the basics:

My name is Jasmine

I am twenty seven years old

I am a wife

I am a mother

And most importantly, I am a believer who has gone most her life not feeling good enough. 


God placed a dream on my heart when I was twenty four years old. I've spent the time from then to now going back and forth with God on this call he placed on my life. I've been led by fear, doubt, insecurity, and shame. I've been making excuses to mask my fear of failure and rejection. But our gracious God still calls me. He calls me every day to trust in Him and Him alone. He gives me breath after breath and chance after chance to lean in to Him and trust in His unfailing love. Even though I have failed Him so many times...

So, this is me making that decision. This is me finally trusting God with the promises He made to me. This me telling fear, doubt, insecurity, and shame that they no longer have a home in my heart. Telling them that I know how big my God is and that His promises are YES and AMEN. 


I don't know exactly how regularly I will be able to post content but will try my best to establish a somewhat normal flow! 


I can't wait to share some of my stories with you all and hear yours as well. 


Jasmine <3

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