The mountains rose and valleys sank to the place you established for them
Psalms 104:8 (CSB)

ABOUT JourneyThroughTheValley
This page is for the people who know that they don’t have life figured out. This page is for the people who feel uncomfortable. This page is for the people who are tired of where they currently stand. This page is for the people who are hiding in the suffering of life. This page is for the people who have been sulking in pain but want to rejoice in their testimony. This page is for the people who hear those voices in their head telling them they aren’t good enough, telling them that they will never be, telling them that this is where they will always be. This page is for the people who know they need help. The people who know they need the kind of help that the world or worldly people can’t give. This is for the people who are searching for an answer. Searching for their reason. Who hopes there is more out there than just this. This is for all of us gentiles, prodigals, and the lost sheep.
God loves you no matter who you are. God loves you no matter what you have done. God is searching for you. God is waiting for you to come home. God is here.
I know this because I have been this person and I am this person. I have been the person clinging on to life as tight as I possibly could. I have been the person who searched everywhere and anywhere for a reason, for my reason. I have been the person questioning if God even cares, if God even exists… I’ve been the person who let the battles of my mind speak over what The Lord wanted me to hear. I let it speak over who He declared me to be. I’ve been the person who let fear, anxiety, and depression rule over my every breath. I let it rule over everything God was calling me to but this is me deciding enough is enough.
Here we all are searching for our reasons and I hope more than anything that God will speak to you through my passages and through His word. I hope more than anything that God will comfort you. That God will renew your mind. That God will stretch out his hand to you, his beautiful child. I hope you will reach back and follow him. Never turning back to what once was.
This is for the lost, this is for the found, its for you, and its for me. Its for our journeys through the valleys of life. Its for us to have a community of people who are all looking for the same thing. A moment in the presence of God.
“The Lord will fight for you. You need only to be still.” -Exodus 14:14